You can observe the surprising transformation of the works carried out in the past ages
in the mountains - the
terraced slopes from
Moorish times that are
still existing today, and
humble yet unique
constructions still
existing in various
sites : such as the
so-called "Casetes
de Volta" (water reserve),
"les Barraquetes de pastor" (shepperd's huts) or "els forns de calç" (kilns), contrasting with more monumental works
such as the Castle of Xivert.
The Sierra de Irta is a protected Nature Park set in the
municipal area of Alcalá
de Xivert, and overlapping
into other townships.
These mountains
overlooking the
sea have an extensive
cultural heritage to offer,
apart from their natural
charms, with native
vegetables and animal life.
Sierra de Irta
Nearby attractions
Columbretes Islands are a prime destination for
scuba-dive lovers from around the world due
to the transparency
of its waters, the
beauty of its depths
and the large variety and quantity of vegetable and animal species that it hosts.
The Columbretes are a group of four volcanic islands.
The groups of islands are : La Columbreta Grande, La
Ferrera, La Foradada,
and El Carallot.
There are also many pitfalls
and lows in the archipelago.
Columbretes Islands
Today the Templar-Pontifical Castle of PeñÃscola, National Historic-Artistic Monument since 1932, is a tourist
and cultural attraction with over 330,000 visitors a year, and also
a renowned Cultural Center that
hosts numerous plastic art
exhibitons, the Comedy
Cinema Festival of
Peñiscola, congresses and
conferences throughout the year.
PeñÃscola's Castle
The Castle, which looks towards
a sea of mountains, was one
of the most impressive
fortresses of the Mediterranean.
The passage of numerous
civilizations (Prehistoric,
Iberian, Roman, Muslim
and Christian) has left its
trace in this impressive
construction which has
been occupied continuously
since the 3rd millenary
before Jesus-Christ.
Morella is one of the most beautiful Temples in the Mediterranean. Its towers have been witnesses of the History, as they watched King Jaume I entering the city, and starting La Reconquista (the reconquest).
Morella's Castle
The patrimonial wealth of this territory is immense, with ten historical Groups, numerous monuments, Ethnologic
areas, archaeological
and palaeontological
deposits, natural spaces
and a great landscape wealth.
The Maestrazgo´s Cultural Park is a wide territory of 43 municipalities where the Patrimony is defined
as an element of
collective identity.
This fortress stands on the higher point of the rock on which the
old Peñiscola city rests.
The Peñiscola castle shares
along with the Vatican city
and the Palace of the Papes
of Avignon the privilege of
having been a Pontifical Seat;
one of three that have
existed throughout
history. Its construction
lasted from 1294 to 1307.
Its developers, the enigmatic Templars, built it in the own
image and likeness of the
Castles of the Holy Land.